Most mornings with my five year old are not exactly pleasant. Not that I wake up a ray of sunshine every day myself, but mornings with Mackenna would try even the patience of Mother Teresa. Every morning is structured exactly the same, with one slight exception. That would be the time I can actually drag myself out of my soft, warm, cozy bed. The more time I give Mackenna before we walk out of the house, the better for all!
Each day begins with a soothing sippy cup of hot chocolate. Yes, I am aware of the fact she is five and still using a sippy. I’m hoping to break that habit before Kindergarten☺ She needs adequate time to watch her favorite morning show, Sponge Bob. Yes, I cringed as I typed that. If time allows, she always chooses a breakfast of pancakes. If not, she gets a piece of string cheese and a banana for the road.
Mackenna is a high maintenance child. She is oh-so-particular about her clothing. Finally, we have put the Hannah Montana boots she wore to school for 75 straight days in a row to rest. Socks are a major point of conflict while trying to get out the door. They have to be turned inside out and “just-so” or the screaming and tears begin. Yes, again I know she’s five—something we continue to work on each day. Also hair is an issue, which has resulted in a visiting hair professional, Serge (aka Daddy), making her presentable so Mommy is not too embarrassed when dropping her off at school.
This leads me to a new book in my collection called Grumpy Bird. It obviously reminds me of my darling child. Bird wakes up grumpy, but with the help of his animal friends walks off his grumpiness. They will love the vibrant and mystical illustrations of Grumpy Bird and friends! It is the perfect choice for preschool friends who don’t yet have words for their emotions. Using picture books that show specific emotions are a great way to encourage a discussion with your child about their feelings.
The good news for us is that Mackenna also “walks” off her grumpiness. In fact, her teacher claims she’s an absolute joy at school and loves every minute of her day with friends. And admittedly even a ray of sunshine can be a Grumpy Bird once in a while.
Happy Reading!
OMG, I must get this book! I have a grumpy bird that stays grumpy all day! Great suggestion...